Friday, May 2, 2008

Corporate News - April 2008 v1.0

Everybody sing along with the folks in accounting:

It's the end of the month as we know it
And we feel fine.

Yes, we have reached the end of another month even this is actually posted in the next month though it was not by design. Absenteeism was at 25% during the month due to illness and nice weather so things like the Monthly Report were placed on the back burn until the time when there were enough people present to handle the day-to-day work as well as the additional projects like this report.

So for this month, we have done all of our regular duties and in the midst of it all we were actually able to publish another Fairy Tale (The Little Girl with the Broken Heart) for our shareholders to enjoy. So read it and enjoy, that's why we published it. Other than that there is not much else to report that is above and beyond the ordinary - it has been an ordinary business as usual sort of month. We keep plugging along like we have since our company's founding so very many years ago.

Unfortunately the outlook for this coming month (though actually the month in which this is being published) is not much better than this month. Being that the weather has finally improved and many of the employees wish to shake the cabin fever that they have suffer through these many long months there is quite a number of vacation days scheduled so some of our publications may not reach the streets at their usual times. For this fact we shall apologize ahead of time and we sincerely hope that you will accept our apologies and take joy in the fact that maybe the following month our scheduling issues will be resolved and all will be as usual.

Thusly ends the end of the month report for this month (though actually published during the next month). Go ye now in peace.

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