Sunday, March 30, 2008

Corporate News - March 2008 v2.0

Everybody sing along with the folks in accounting:

It's the end of the month as we know it
And we feel fine.

It is the end of the month. It really and truly is for we have invested in calendars and we know how to use them adequately enough that we know without doubt that this is true.

This month we have been far too busy for our own well-being. We have taken on a side project that has consumed a great deal of time so we have not had the time to do many of the things that we enjoy doing like goofin' off at the office, but we work through this time of business and soldier on for this is what we do.

In corporate news, we have produced a new product for all the world to enjoy and that will soon grace the car of every individual on the face of this planet. We have produced a new sticker based upon the "Shut up and drive!" T-shirt and we have done so at an economical price so that everyone, no matter what their social standing may be, can enjoy the new product. So buy one or buy a thousand we care not just as long as you continue to buy.

In other interesting corporate news, the Flavour of the Week Blog has surpassed the Quagmire of My Discontent Blog for the number of visitors which is amazing groovy for the Flave Blog is only published once per week whilst the Quagmire is published on a far more regular basis. And the Flave has a definitely more geographically diverse following even though must of the Flaves mentioned are only available in the United States. We must be doing something right on that front though what it is we do not have enough data to understand what the appeal of it is, but we are open to any and all suggestions.

This concludes this report for the month of March, 2008. We thank you for time.

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